Although photographs are useful, scale drawings of a crime scene provide far more precise information pertaining to the distances from objects in a room (chairs, tables, etc.) to the evidence (shell casings, blood trails, etc.) and provide a jury with a bird’s eye view of the crime scene.

Our Crime Scene Sketch Kits provide the investigator with all the necessary items to go from a rough sketch to a finished sketch and then to a scale drawing of the crime scene.

This Advanced Sketch Kit contains all necessary components (including all templates shown here), for a rough sketch, a finished sketch, and a finished scale drawing or any type of sketch required for your report and for presentation in court.

Kit Components

1 ea. Aluminum Clipboard, 8.5” x 12”

1 ea. 50-sheet Quadrille Ruled Pad

1 ea. 12” Transparent Ruler

1 ea. Mechanical Sketch Pencil

1 ea. 30/60° Clear Plastic Triangle

1 ea. 45/90°Clear Plastic Triangle

1 ea. Traffic Accident Template

1 ea. Double Traffic Template Set

1 ea. House Furnishing Template

1 ea. Office plan Template

1 ea. Crime Scene Template

1 ea. Human Figure Template

1 ea. 6” Bow Compass

1 ea. 50 ft. Tape Measure

1 ea. 5.5”Divider

1 ea. Magnetic Compass

1 ea. Protractor

1 ea. Kit Instruction Sheet

Crime Scene Advanced Kit 1